In addition to being a convenient, nutritious and tasty start to each morning, cereal provides an excellent way for families to enjoy milk and all of its benefits. Today in the U.S., cereal with milk is a leading source of 10 essential vitamins and minerals in children’s diets — nutrients that many kids may not get with any other meal. But for all of the good milk can do, many kids would not realize these benefits without cereal.In fact, 41 percent of milk consumed by 6- to 12-year-olds is consumed with cereal. Those numbers are even higher for African-American and Hispanic children. So when you have cereal and milk, you have a wholesome and delicious way to enjoy breakfast and a powerful way to start the day.
Great meals are the result of smart nutrition planning, great ingredients, and skillful preparation. From start to finish, we set a high bar for meal quality.

Go 4.0 it!
An A+Excellent!
Featuring A+/F2S harvest of season: FALL Legumes Pod bearing fruit as beans, peas, soy Protein Enriched Meat substitutes Homegrown
Fresh Fruit, Healthy Chips, Veggie Dippers, Gogurt, Fruit Cup, Granola Parfait
Entree complimenting steamed Vegetable or Side artisan Salad